The sixth collected edition of Caffeine & Concrete includes all the interviews from Volumes 26 to 30, and has a movie theme running through it with filmmaker Richard De Carvahlo, film reporter Alicia Malone and movie prop maker Jacqui Hudson featured. Web-design guru Andy Clarke tells his story from sales to design and Kent Hall talks about building creative communities, rounding out another five interviews with unique life-style shaping creators.
Art Direction, design, photography and layout by Lorenzo Princi. Proofreading by Luke Yates. Behind-The-Scenes photography of Richard De Carvalho by Erík Magnússon. Photography of Alica Malone by Charles Torrealba. Photography of Kent Hall and collage scans by Kent Hall.
Telling stories with Richard De Carvahlo
Hugging Celebrities with Alicia Malone
Talking stuff and nonsense with Andy Clarke
Playing with paper with Jacqui Hudson
Assembling communities and collages with Kent Hall